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Don't Allow Migraine to Become the Headache of Your Life

Neurologist Sydney


We provide convenient and early access to specialised neurology care when you need it.

neurology sydney


As interventional neurologists at a large tertiary institution, we have exclusive access to some of the best diagnostic testing in Sydney.

sydney neurology

Access to an extensive specialist network

We have excellent relationships with our colleagues in other areas of neurology and neurosurgery. We’ll ensure you get to see the best person to provide you with specialised care.

How We Can Help

Is It Time to See a Neurologist for
Your Headaches?

We always encourage speaking to your GP about your symptoms. Your GP will be able to assess whether your headache symptoms are required the attention of a neurologist. If they deem it necessary to see a neurologist they will be able to write a referral for you as well.
If you are suffering from headaches or your headaches are accompanied by other symptoms, our neurologists can help.

Helping Relieve Symptoms From The Root Cause

We identify the underlying cause of your headaches or migraines. Our specialists provide a precise examination to find, and treat, the cause of your symptoms.

If you experience acute headaches, our clinicians will provide a precise examination to find the cause of your symptoms and find a suitable treatment.


What Are the Symptoms of Migraine

Brain fog, inability to focus
Sensitivity to light
Visual effects and/or aura
Dizziness/ light-headedness
Body or neck aches
Numbness or tingling in the hands, arms, feet, legs or face
Sensitivity to sound
Throbbing pain
Head pain

How We Can Help

Migraine treatment is aimed at stopping symptoms and preventing future attacks. Your treatment choices depend on the frequency and severity of your headaches, whether you have nausea and vomiting with your headaches, how disabling your headaches are, and other medical conditions you have. Many medications have been designed to treat migraines.

Why Choose CURA
Medical Specialists

Both Dr Winters and Dr Ang are appointed staff specialist neurologists at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and are experts in stroke, TIA, and related neurovascular disorders. Migraine is a common neurological presentation. In some instances, migraine can present with stroke-like symptoms that do not cause any long-lasting harm and almost always recover completely. Dr Winters and Dr Ang frequently treat migraine patients in their practice, and both are proud of the success they have achieved with their patients.

Dr Winters and Dr Ang are both remarked as clinicians who are compassionate and are willing to spend the necessary time with patients. Both doctors believe in a comprehensive assessment and educating patients about their diagnosis and treatment. Doing so empowers patients, alleviates anxiety, and reduces uncertainty, especially as migraine treatment often takes some time before it is beneficial.

Newer treatments like muscle relaxants and CGRP monoclonal antibodies are very effective methods of reducing migraine frequency. Both treatment modalities are offered.

neurologist treatment
Why Choose Us

Meet Our Specialists

Dr Hugh Stephen Winters

MBChB (Auckland) FRACP (Neurology) CCINR (Neurology)

Dr. Winters is a fellow of the Royal Australasian college of physicians with specialist training in neurology with four additional years of training in interventional neurology which included a year of fellowship in Interventional Neuroradiology at the Erlanger Medical Center in Tennessee.

As a specialist in interventional neurology, Dr. Winters is highly trained in the use of minimally invasive, image-guided techniques to diagnose and treat diseases such as stroke, aneurysms, degenerative spinal disease.

Approximately one third of Dr. Winters patients suffer from headache disorders, including but not limited to; migraine, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, occipital neuralgia and cervical spine disease.

Dr Hugh Stephen Winters

(5/5 stars)
would recommend
Dr Timothy Ang

(5/5 stars)
would recommend

Dr Timothy Ang

MBBS, FRACP (Neurology), Head of Committee for CCINR

Dr. Timothy Ang is a neurologist and interventionist at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney. Dr. Ang uses cutting-edge medical imaging tests to diagnose and treat neurovascular and neurological diseases.

Dr. Ang is commonly referred patients for occipital neuralgia and cervical spine disease for minimally invasive therapies. Dr. Ang like. Dr. Winters see a large volume of patients with headache disorders and frequently uses advanced therapies like CGRP monoclonal antibodies.

How It Works


Get a Referral from Your GP

To arrange a consultation with our neurologists you will need a valid referral from a general practitioner or another specialist.
neurological services

Contact Us

Complete the form below to request a consultation. You can also email us, call or live chat.

Neurologist Sydney


The specialist will take a detailed and thorough history about your neurological problem/s, perform a comprehensive physical examination and examine test results that are already available.

neurology sydney

Care Co-ordination

Our secretaries will arrange the tests for you in advance before you leave. This is so that we can arrange for a timely follow-up after the tests and the results are available for review.


Consultation Cost

Initial consultation
(45-60 min)
(30 min)

* We process your Medicare claims independent of your payment on your behalf to help reduce the immediate out of pocket costs of your consultation. A valid referral has to be current and come from a general practitioner or another specialist.

**Deposit required before appointment, is refunded once appointment complete.


Clinical Services Affiliation

access neurology
nsw nepean hospital
central coast neurosciences
prince alfred royal hospital

Make an Appointment

If you have a question or any other type of enquiry
please use our Live Chat (bottom right corner of the screen)
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